Recruiting in a Competitive Environment

According to BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics), unemployment across the nation remains at historically low levels. Many states are reporting similar statistics. For example, Minnesota unemployment is at an incredibly low rate of 2.9% (seasonally adjusted rate reported at DEED, Aug 2018).

What Does this Mean for Employers?

It is clear employers are operating in a tight labor market with high levels of competition. In fact, many HR professionals propose the labor market has not been this tight since the start of the dot com recession in 2001.

Across the nation employers are scrambling to recruit and hire talented, hard-working employees. This article covers three tips on recruiting in this competitive market.

ONE: Align with Mission

The first tip focuses on your organization. Take a step back and examine what makes you stand out as an employer. Regardless of the industry you are in, whether you are a nonprofit or for profit, whether you are large or small… what makes you unique? This is critical to understand so that you recruit employees who align with your mission, vision and core values. If you don’t know what these are, how do you expect to find employees who will share the values that guide your organization?

Your mission, vision and values shouldn’t merely be fancy slogans you hang on the wall in a decorative frame. They should be woven into every aspect of your organization, including your recruiting. Your core values should guide and shape the way you post your job openings and the very words you use. The more accurate you are, the more success you will have in attracting applicants that share your values.

What defines and guides your organization?

Maybe it is customer service? Integrity? Hard work? A commitment to innovation? The ability to adapt? If you don’t have your mission, vision and values clearly identified… carpe diem! Seize the day! It will be well worth your time to identify these organizational pillars and use them in your recruiting efforts.

When you create a job posting, be creative. Yet be authentic to your mission, vision, values, brand and your culture. These should form the foundation of your recruiting efforts. Recruiting and hiring in alignment with these values means your entire team will be on the same journey, moving toward the same goals.

Your HR Takeaway:
Understand what makes you stand out as an employer. Align with your mission, vision and values. Be creative and yet authentic
to your brand and culture.

TWO: The Power of Diversity

Aligning with your mission, vision and values does not mean you have a cookie cutter approach to finding new employees. Absolutely not! In fact, it means the exact opposite. Diversity within your applicants and employees is incredibly important. Having a diverse base will increase the creativity, problem solving, and skill set of your teams. According to McKinsey and Company, a global management consulting firm, companies that exhibit gender and ethnic diversity are respectively 15% and 35% more likely to outperform their peers. Diverse teams have the potential to increase sales revenues, increase customer base and ultimately increase profits.

Recruiting diverse applicants increases the ability to tap into a rich pool of talents, perspectives, experiences and skills. Aligning this with organizational values means the employees you hire from this diverse pool may be very different as individuals, yet are on the same path following a shared vision.

Your HR Takeaway:
Recruiting diverse applicants is not only
the right thing to do,
it makes good business sense.

THREE: Build Relationships

The third tip focuses on building relationships. As an employer, it is critical to follow up with job seekers. It not only builds relationships, it also creates a positive vibe and positive reputation for your organization. As an applicant, there is nothing more frustrating than having your application disappear into the hiring black hole. As an employer, providing a reply is not only common courtesy… it’s a smart business move. Just imagine how you would feel if you applied for a position and never heard back from the employer. You might think “those jerks!” Or question their organizational skills or wonder whether it is a rotten place to work after all. If this is how they treat applicants, you sure wonder how they treat their employees.

In the reality of our world, applicants talk about a bad experience. And then it may get posted on her or his favorite social media channel. We all know that bad news travels fast and it is important to foster professional relationships and build a positive reputation for your organization. Regardless of size of your organization or the complexity of your recruiting, take time to analyze any gaps in your follow-up with applicants.

Your HR Takeaway:
Savvy employers build positive relationships with applicants. The applicant that was not selected today may be your ideal hire
for a critical job search next month
or even next year!

According to a report by SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), organizations across the nation are experiencing a more challenging market for talent than in years past. A large percentage cited competition from other employers as part of the challenge. It is clear this trend is not expected to change in the short term.

Employers that align recruiting efforts with their values, attract a diverse pool of talent and build relationships will enhance their ability to recruit in a competitive environment.

Author: Stacy Johnston

About the Author
HR thought leader, Stacy Johnston, provides innovative HR solutions with a mission to support organizations in understanding and engaging their biggest competitive advantage… their employees. Johnston is a licensed attorney and holds the SHRM-CP and PHR credentials.

About Audacity LLC: HR Consultants
Audacity LLC’s passion is HR. They help organizations build peace of mind, dial in productivity and enhance employee engagement by creating agile HR solutions that align with mission and core values. Comprehensive solutions include tips and tools to effectively recruit, hire, onboard and retain an engaged and skilled workforce. As external HR consultants and subject matter experts, they help organizations build strong, cohesive and inclusive teams and develop leaders at all levels. Bold and innovative Human Resource solutions save valuable time and money.

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