Four Critical Ways Investing in Employee Development Pays Off: Part 2

Employee Development

Four Critical Ways Investing in Employee Development Pays Off: Part 2

August 16, 2019

Earlier this month, we started the conversation on two key ways investing in employee development pays off, increasing not only the power to recruit but to also retain and engage employees. To read more, click here.

This post tackles the next two components.

THREE: Increased Capacity

Beyond recruitment, retention and engagement, training and employee development programs also build internal capacity. One critical place is increasing the capacity of managers.

According to Gallup, only 21% of employees strongly agree their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work. That means a whopping 79% of employees are not being managed in a productive and supportive way.

Further, research indicates that 60% of new managers under perform or fail within their first two years.1 Ouch! These statistics are not only startling, they highlight the need for employers to pay attention.

In recent surveys, only 39% of managers reported receiving training of any kind. 2 As managers impact the day-to-day lives of employees, and 60% of them are failing or underperforming, the consequences are detrimental to employee and employer alike.

An investment in managers, in topics such as peer-to-supervisor training, self-awareness and leadership development, are critical to organizational success.

FOUR: Increased Return on Investment

Finally, training for training’s sake is not the goal. A strategically planned and implemented training and employee development program has the potential to provide a healthy return on investment (ROI).

A focus on quality AND impact is imperative. Measuring ROI provides valuable feedback and allows organizations to course correct when numbers are dropping below desired results.

An Investment that Makes Sense

In closing this two part post, investing in employee development, learning, and training makes good business sense and pays off in critical ways for employers.

Ask about our half-day, full-day and multi-day training options. Check out our online options here.

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About the Author 
HR thought leader, Stacy Johnston, provides innovative HR solutions with a mission to support organizations in understanding and engaging their biggest competitive advantage… their employees. Johnston writes and speaks about contemporary HR topics. She is a licensed attorney and holds the SHRM-CP and PHR credentials.

[1] The Ken Blanchard Companies, [2] Id.
Image credit: Free-Photos from Pixabay

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