Coronavirus: The Strain on Employee Wellbeing


October 9, 2020

Coronavirus: The Strain on Employee Wellbeing

World Mental Health Day is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma and is being recognized on October 10th this year.

Employee mental health and wellbeing are important components all employers should be aware of and actively working towards.

Here are a few reasons why. 

Stress and Anxiety

According to information published by Human Resource Executive, 69% of employees reported that the coronavirus pandemic has been the most stressful time of their entire professional career.

Overall, 88% of employees reported experiencing moderate to extreme stress. [i]


Working Parents

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) recently reported interesting stats about working parents. According to Boston Consulting Group’s (BCG) COVID Caregivers Survey, 60% of working parents have no help in caring for and educating their children. Parents now spend an additional twenty-seven hours a week on household chores, child care and education. Almost half of respondents felt their performance at work decreased because of these added concerns.  Showing a dramatic divide between gender roles, women spend fifteen hours more per week than men on domestic responsibilities. [ii]



When employees are overwhelmed, stressed, and stretched between work and home responsibilities, they are at risk of burnout.

A recent study shows that that burnout and fatigue are equally concerning for employees working remotely (43%) and those in a physical workplace (43%). Over half (59%) of the employee and business leader respondents say their organization has taken at least some measures to guard against burnout, though nearly a third (29%) of employees wish organizations would act with more empathy. [iii]


Prioritizing Employee Wellbeing

These stats show the strain experienced by employees and the urgent need for employers to prioritize employee health and wellbeing.

This month, we will highlight tools and resources to do just that.

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[ii]; Boston Consulting Group’s COVID Caregivers Survey, 2020

About the Author

HR thought leader, Stacy Johnston, provides innovative HR solutions with a mission to support organizations in understanding and engaging their biggest competitive advantage… their employees. Johnston writes and speaks about contemporary HR topics. She is a licensed attorney and holds the SHRM-CP and PHR credentials.

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